Visual facilitation

Live visual drawing :

A real added value for your presentation, meeting, conference, corporate event and workshop. Hiring a graphic facilitator is a real boost for dynamic support to your presentation, giving an efficient and decisive impulse to subsequent brainstorming sessions.

Let's embrace complexity without complex :

Graphic facilitation is based on visual thinking. Delivering informations in a visual way involves the audience pro-actively and brings energy to empower collective intelligence and incentivise forward thinking.

So many assets :

Visual thinking is a shortcut to your own mindset and creativity. Drawing during a presentation allows you think and share content simultaneously and helps your audience to grasp the idea in a snap. 

How we collaborate :

Together we anticipate the mission with a preparatory discussion about your goals, contents and keywords. 

During the mission itself I can work alone or within a team of facilitators if required. I'm a team player by nature.

Then you may need a specific version of resulting live contents to be produced for printed or digital communication. As an illustrator, I can easily deliver it on demand. 

Wether you are working for a company, an institution or a public organisation : call me and I draw with you!

And perhaps could I share some tips and tricks or training about visual techniques with you or your team?

Feel welcome to ask because you can draw too!

LIFE awards 2023

These cartoons were shown on screen during the LIFE awards ceremony 2023. Each cartoon represent the winner of each categories. This mission for VO Europe agency.

CIRB-Data governance act

These two whiteboard visual facilitations were made life during an event about the DATA Governance ACT, a future EU policy in the digital public environment.